Futures in Film

From a fairly young age, I knew that I wanted to work in film, but I didn’t know how I would manage that. Although I dabbled in drama at school, I definitely was not an actor, although directing seemed cool it wasn’t for me, and I could not manage the post-production side – so I was left wondering what I could do.

However, the wonderful thing about the film industry is how big it is, there are so many people involved in everything created and many different career paths are involved, so, when I decided to study Digital Marketing at University, I went into it with the dream of working in Film Marketing and Publicity.

Throughout my time at university my drive to work in the industry has only gotten stronger, I started attending the cinema tons more and built up my blog to cater it more around films which just increased my love for it all and solidified for me that this was what I wanted to do. It is a true dream to work on films, working with the press and marketing to promote them to their full potential.

This especially motivated me last year during the ‘Barbenheimer’ summer, I thought it was incredible how Warner Brothers promoted the Barbie movie, with their collaborations with a variety of companies such as Airbnb, their press tour including the Barbie pink hotel and the outfits Margot wore on the press tour, summer felt ruled by Barbie. But I also thought it incredible how the scheduling of two polar opposite films on the same day became such a phenomenon and benefitted both films extremely well, with many audiences choosing to attend both films on the same day – which was also incredible for cinemas, and an amazing feat to see them packed every day. To participate in seeing cinemas busy and thriving would be another dream come true!

Furthermore, my childhood friend Connie has equally exciting aspirations in the Film and TV industry which is why we have collaborated on this post! Read about her goals as a unit stills photographer below:

In film, each frame tells a story, and behind every iconic shot lies the passion and dedication of those who bring these visions to life. 

I’m Connie, and it is my dream to become a unit stills photographer for film and TV.

Since finding out about the job role of unit stills photographer it is all I have been able to think about, I have since shifted my creative practice to better fit the job. It’s about capturing those candid moments on set with the actors in deep discussion, the crew in action behind the scenes and the director bringing everything together. These images not only document the filmmaking process but also serve as timeless artefacts that fans and filmmakers cherish for years to come.

One of the most exciting aspects of this job is the opportunity to collaborate closely with the film’s director and cinematographer. By understanding their vision, I can capture the essence of the story with my camera in what is commonly referred to as the ‘one shot’. As a unit stills photographer, I get to witness the dedication and hard work of the entire crew—from the actors preparing for their roles to the crew setting up. These behind-the-scenes glimpses offer a unique perspective and enrich my photographs with authenticity from a wide range of people.

Having shot a few student films here and there I have only felt my passion for the job growing and growing.

My passion for film started at a young age, growing up in a fantastic era of animation and new ways of producing films I have an appreciation of stories from Disney to Nolan. 

Notable films that have inspired my aspiration to work in film are La La Land, Little Women and Interstellar. I feel such an emotional connection to the storylines in each and the idea that I might (one day) be able to contribute to the production and distribution of stories to audiences has consistently kept the fire burning. 

Check out Connie’s blog: https://www.constanceflynn.com/blog

Check out my blog: rosiereviews.uk

Check out my Letterboxd

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